Introduction to God-Centered Sensational Sex
Welcome and Introduction
I grew up between two worlds. My mom was a very open minded (and mouthed) person about sex. I knew I could go to her anytime and ask questions. You see, my mom was a midwife. That’s right a full on, in your house, filling the tub, feeding you yoghurt type of midwife…and I was her little apprentice. I attended a few births before I was married and a few after. I read birthing books and watched many child birth videos growing up.
You think that would have prepared me for sex, Right?….WRONG.
The other world I came from is probably more familiar to you. I was a church going, public school attending (most of the time, anyways), media drowned youth. My “formal” sexual education came from the football coach in an awkward health class.
Oh, I got the messages alright. Just not the right one’s.
On one hand I knew the “outcome” of sex better than most. I’d seen my fair share of anatomic body parts and participated in the miracles of birth. On the other hand I had been steadily fed the lies that sex was dirty, good girls keep their legs crossed, guys only have one thing on their mind, I should be ashamed of my body, it’s only normal for “newlyweds” to have sex, and on and on…
These weren’t always consciously fed to me. Consciously I knew and learned that sex between a husband and wife was essential to God’s plan. What I didn’t see or understand was all the subtle lies, limiting beliefs and unrealistic expectations I was collecting over time.
Talk about sexual chaos and confusion…but here’s the craziest part. After 20+ years of this conditioning and programming a 30 minute ceremony was supposed to change everything. Now I’m supposed to not only want sex, but initiate it? I’m supposed to feel comfortable with my body and know how it works sexually? I came into the marriage bed completely unprepared and spent many years trying to “work it out”.
If this isn’t enough we’ve married men who haven’t been taught anything about sex either. As reactors they have no idea why women aren’t always ready to have sex in a heartbeat or why they don’t want sex as much as men do. The “obvious” conclusions, albeit the wrong conclusions, are either there’s something wrong with her or there’s something wrong with him. Neither is true. There’s something incredibly wrong with the system and lack of education.
Once you understand and accept that women work completely different than men you can unlock amazing potential for fabulous sex. . Holding either to the same standard or expectation is ridiculous when it comes to sexuality. There is soooooo much to learn and understand. Right now you probably have an elementary education regarding sex, how the human body works, sexual communication, successful foreplay, building desire, reaching climax, how to use the sexual differences between men and women to our advantage and a plethora of other things. There’s a ways to go before you can get a Phd in Sensational Sex.
Well, if you’re gonna have great sex for a long time you better get to learning, studying, practicing and planning. There’s a whole lot more to it than plumbing. When was the last time you mapped out a great plan for sex or time to learn more? We plan for and study lots of things we want success in; finances, education, raising children, balancing schedules and even organization but rarely (if ever) for sex.
There is so much chaos and emotion that exists around this subject that sexually we are all bound to fail because there has been 1) poor programming, 2) no education, 3) no effective communication, 4) no community support, 5) No deep spiritual connection and 6) no way to reprogram….until now.
I want to shout it from the roof top “THERE’S HOPE”.
Whenever my computer or phone starts spazzing out, I always turn to my hubby (my tech guy) and say, “Jared, theres something wrong with my phone/computer.” His response is always the same, “Did you turn it off…then turn it back on?” Inevitably I have forgotten to do that simple task and 9 times out of 10 everything is just fine.
This does not mean that in 6 weeks everything will be perfect from now on. It does mean that instead of having only a butterknife in your tool kit, that you’ll actually have the tools that work. Sexual intimacy in marriage is all about the journey. The path, scenery and terrain change daily. That’s what makes it magnificent and exciting.
Some couples don’t understand that having sensational sex is about being a giver and a receiver. Allowing you or your spouse to enjoy something one day that maybe they won't the next. Sex is about being present, learning and unlearning. It’s a constant ebb and flow of passion, communication, connection and understanding.
I read, studied, interviewed, prayed, experimented and tweaked until this program worked. God-Centered Sensational Sex reprogramming is all about learning to have sensational sex. It’s about re-booting your marriage and sex life. It’s about learning to communicate, learn, connect and release the past. It’s about moving forward toward God-Centered Sensational Sex.
I’ll be facilitating this process and educating you but what I really want is for you to seek
1)God’s counsel above all else
2) Seek forgiveness and repentance
3) ask for healing, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started…